Fall is here, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it.
At least not at the time I’m writing this article. I
thought I was finished with paying high-cost electric bills
for a while, but apparently not yet. We’ve got to do
what we’ve got to do.
As you know, we had our HOA meeting a day earlier this month
due to a scheduling conflict. We basically have the
same people attending and seldom have new members in
attendance. There doesn’t seem to be much interest as to
what’s happening in the community unless it affects you
directly. Mountain View homeowners are encouraged to
At the last HOA meeting several issues were brought to the
Board’s attention. The following issues will be placed on
October’s HOA meeting open session agenda for discussion and
Many of you are probably not familiar with the Davis
Stirling Act which is being questioned or California codes
that are enacted into State laws that HOAs must abide by in
It’s been said the Board is not conducting the HOA meetings
in accordance with the Davis Stirling Open Meeting Act, and
that we are not allowing members to speak. Our agenda has
two Homeowners open forums where the Davis Stirling Act
states only one.
Members believe there’s not enough information being
provided for new business. Also, it’s believed the
Homeowner forum for items on the agenda is in the wrong
place on the agenda and does not allow for comments or
It must be noted that the Homeowners Association open
session meeting is a continuation of the HOA Board meeting
and members are there to observe but will have the
opportunity to speak at a designated time set forth by the
Board of Directors to keep the meeting moving and to
respectfully maintain order.
Since we didn’t get anyone to volunteer to decorate our
gates for the holidays we are going to use our maintenance
vendor BamCo to do so. They will use hours already
allocated on the contract. BamCo is requesting someone
from the community be there to direct where to place the
decorations. Bob Victor has volunteered and if anyone
else is interested, give Bob a call. Decorating will
take place the first week of
Our community election will take place soon.
FirstService recently mailed to all homeowners a candidacy
statement to be returned by October 30th for two board
seats. Here’s your opportunity to run to become a
Board of Directors member. All homeowners are welcome
to apply.
If you notice a streetlight out, get the information from
the pole and call Bob Victor or Gilbert Lascurain and they
will call Edison to come out to fix it.